Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

Here It Is!!!

Well its only taken about four years, three drafts, and two completely different conceptions to bring this one act musical radio drama to life!!!

Based on an previous idea by some guys my friends and I discovered on the internet back when I was in college. There was a full stage production at one time that promptly got shut down by LucasFilm and then a small student produced version at Western Michigan University while I attended there.

This Is an all new revamped version of that original idea. Some of the principle matter stayed the same but the script and most of the parody lyrics are brand new. I couldn't remember much from back then. Just a few of the Songs used and a couple of the lines from some of those songs.

Anyways I spend all of last year recording this while out on the road with the Twelve Angry Men National tour, and most of this year mixing it down to a finished product, doing some pickup recording, changing my mind about content.

So here it is in all of its glory ready for your enjoyment!!!

Just click on the post to your right or scroll down to start!!! There are 14 tracks in all and they are all displayed on this page. I may still be updating these later so come back often and tell your friends if you think they will enjoy this!!!

Thanks for listening!!!


P.S -- Please send all valid comments to:

Cast (in order of appearence)

Narrator - Julian Gamble

C-3PO - T. Scott Cunningham

Luke Skywalker - Timothy K Schmidt

Uncle Owen Lars - Randle Mell

Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Vader - Mark Morettini

Princess Leia Organa (speaking) - Megan Schneid

Princess Leia Organa (singing) - Rachel Jones

Wuher (Bartender)/General Dodonna - Mike Boland

Han Solo/Greedo - Benim Foster

Gran Moff Tarkin - Todd Cerveris

Ensign - Thomas Gebbia

Officer - Jeffery Hayenga

Wedge Antilles/Porkins - Mike DiSalvo

01 Opening - Into the Pod

02 Luke and Owen

03 Luke's Lament - R2 Escapes

04 Luke Meets Obi-Wan

05 The Message - Luke Becomes a Padawan

06 Mos Eisley

07 Hi My Name Is Han

08 Millennium Falcon

09 Tarkin and Vader

10 Beautiful Death Star

11 The Rescue of Princess Leia

12 The Duel

13 General Dodonna Breifing - Han and Luke

14 Use the Force - Epilogue